Westside Voice and Swallowing



Mt. Sinai West, Radiology

Department,  at 1000 10th Ave,

4th floor

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Professional Affiliations


Since we opened our doors in 2001, Westside Voice and Swallowing has not only followed the guidelines of ASHA and clinical ethics, we have remained determined to provide the best and most appropriate clinical care for each individual patient.  With up-to-date and evidence-based clinical practices, as well as relationships with top New York-based specialists, we provide speech and language services as well as the referral services if necessary.

Welcome to

Westside Voice & Swallowing

119 West 57th Street, Suite 200 

NY, NY 10019

Department of Otolaryngology 

Grabscheid Voice Center 

425 W 59th Street 

10th floor

Children Services

Following the guidelines of ASHA and clinical ethics, we provide services for children with articulation and language delays, dysarthria, as well as voice and fluency problems

Adult Services

We provide individual speech and language therapy for adults presenting with neurologically based voice and swallowing disorders. 

ENT and Allergy Associates, the Voice and Swallowing Center at 620 Columbus Ave.

Our Clinicians

All Westside Voice and Swallowing Disorders teachers are licensed to teach by the state. Many also have certifications or licenses for specific conditions..

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